Our Mission Statement

Monday, June 20

We made it!!

Hey everyone!! Special thanks to Jenny Lovell for posting for me, the internet here is a bit different.

First I want to say Happy late fathers day to all the dads!! We miss you!!

OK so where to begin...

A group of 21 of us left Costa RIca early SUnday morning. WE traveled for about 8ish hours before getting to our destination in Nicaragua. It was a really long day, but the sights were beautiful!! Once we arrived at our hotel we got to our rooms and took a good 1 to 2 hour nap before we went to eat lunch. We ate at this chicken place, and let me just say it was fabulous!! Afterward we met up with the church here in Masya (not sure if that is spelled right) for worship at about 4pm. After worship we went to an art museum to look at some work and learn a bit of the history. THen we came back to the hotel for devo. Terry Reeves led us in a few thoughts. We also reflected on the Costa Rica trip and discussed what to expect for the remainder of the trip. After devo we practiced our VBS skits for the next day.

We all went to bed earlier than usual and slept hard (well some of us did). WE are all very tired, but GOd is GOOD!!!

TOday we woke up to eat breakfast at 7. A group of 4 went to paint the church and the rest went to see a volcano!! It was really neat, and smelly!! We then went to the store to get snacks for lunch then met up with the four painting at the location of the VBS. WE started out with only 12, but by the time we were finished we had 120. THe skit went really well!! I would have to say Andrew Allgood stole the show!! Everyone has worked hard to learn there lines in SPanish!! After VBS we came back to the hotel to clean up before dinner. We ate at the same chicken place and once again it was delicious!! We then came back to the hotel for devo. Brandon Mann led us in thoughts tonight. he discussed the importance of making a difference in peoples lives. He emphised the importance of not worrying about reaching thousands, but helping one person at a time and to use your talents.

After devo the team gathered to work on VBS. THey are actually practicing as I type. I hope you are all praying for us back home. We are safe and are doing well. GOd is GOOD!!

Just a heads up...I am not sure about internet and when I will have access while here. We will be leaving for Honduras early Wednesday morning so hopefully we will not have anymore problems with communication!! Love you all and will see you soon!!

In Him

Brandy B


Ken and Sandi Haab said...

Sounds like lots of early mornings and late night. AWESOME!!! can hardly wait for that. Tell Jen we said hi and love her. And love to all you guys. Safe travels Wednesday.

Sandi & Ken Haab

Sparky said...

Well minions, ya'll should be almost ready to leave for Honduras. I pray for ya'll to have a safe trip and as you grow more tired in your travels continue to lift each other up for the great work that needs to be done. Give my best to the team and LOVE and MISS all of ya'll. Dios te Bendiga.