The Palmetto church group from Columbia, South Carolina, arrived in Tegucigalpa today. The flight was an hour late getting here but that is pretty standard for this end of the world. And, believe it or not, all of their bags made it too. That was a thrill for me since I was totally prepared to go back to the airport Saturday to pick up lost luggage. Even though they were tired from the 11:00 pm departure the night before, they were excited to be back to do what they love to do.... serve God.
After a quick lunch we headed off to Hospital Esquela for a visit. We arrived around 4:00 so we only had a little over an hour to go in. We divided into 4 teams led by our fearless team of translators. We went to the burn unit and divided up to cover the children's ward. Lots of toys, stuffed animals, coloring books and bubbles were given away. Many stopped and prayed at bedsides for the children that were ill. Even though is was a short time it was well worth it.
From there we went to the grocery store to buy food to make lunches for the next couple of days. We arrived at the mission house around 6:00. We had our orientation and question/answer session and gave out room assignments. We had dinner and then had devo at 8:00. Danny Thomas spoke and read from Matthew 25 and focused on the point that everything we do is done in the name of Jesus and therefore nothing we do is trivial. Whether it is scooping beans into a zip-lock bag or nailing a board into place, it is all important.
Saturday we are going to be building 2 houses in Mololoa and will be working on the foundation for the daycare center that is being built. We are also having the official dedication at the site tomorrow with our special guests, the Claypools. We are very grateful for their generous spirit to help the Manna Project to get the funds needed to begin the daycare facility. Next summer it will be up and running and we will be able to see the fruits of our labor from this trip. Sunday we are going out to the Valley of Angels for worship and to pass out flyers for our VBS / medical team that will be out there next week. We are also going to be visiting a children's home located just outside the city. We will also have our devo at Santa Lucia. A group of 40 from Lebanon, Tennessee, and Auburn, Alabama, will be joining us.
It is going to be a great trip. We are excited and ready to roll. Keep us in your prayers, we have 1 sick already. After the last group, we have no idea what to expect! Until later, Dios te bendiga! Blessings to all,
Glad you guys made it! Will follow your progress as you serve there.
South Carolina's going to have to step it up!! We had a brown recluse spider bite, a staph infection, and an illness that sent someone home!! And that was just in the first 36 hours!! We set the bar high, now GO GET EM' Palmetto!!
Terry & team,
I again want to thank you for the amazing experience that you organized for us. The experience is continuing to be a blessing.
Brian is having to fill in for our regular preacher for the next three weeks. Our trip inspired him to preach this Sunday, about "Jesus Loves the Little Children" using Mark 10:13-16. He began the sermon with us singing "Jesus loves the Little Children" and had a slide show of pictures of children that we met in Hondurus.
I believe it was the best sermon Brian has ever preached and he always does a great job! One of our young girls was baptized!!
I hope God continues to bless you and all you are doing for the rest of the time there. Love Patty
To:HELEN MURPHY and the GROUP- I am so proud of you.Have a blessed day and journey continue to be a blessing to others each day!
To Mike & Lin Witte, I am glad you made it safely. Our prayers here at LHSC are with you. ekg, Irmo
To Chip, Julia, Ben and Emily, and the rest of the Palmetto church of Christ group,
We are thinking of you often and praying for you diligently. We are very proud of all of you for your sacrifice and hard work in spreading God's Word and bringing a little sunshine to those in need. Love you all, Wade, Monica, Kyle and Wyatt.
Lynn & Mike Witte: we miss you! Lynn, make sure you wear your sign - ha ha ha...phyllis
To Mike Witte, our fearless leader, we miss you here at LHSC. The IS Team!
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