Our Mission Statement

Tuesday, June 30

Good morning everyone!!  I hope you are doing fantastic.  We are all doing very well!!  Many of us are very tired, but God is bigger than are fatigue!!  Yesterday was a great day.  It began with breakfast!  We had eggs, sausage, and toast for breakfast.  After breakfast we had Devo.  Tricky Pat Gutherie led us in our thoughts.  We then discussed times to be on the bus to leave for our sites.  We had three group yesterday.  We had a construction team, a visitation/medical team, and a team that went to paint out at Didasko.  The construction team had a fabulous build today.  We were very lucky that when we arrived the wood was already at the site.  It was quite a walk up the mountain, but the view and the site was totally worth the haul.  The build went very smoothly, meaning we did not hit any rocks while digging post holes.  Everyone worked very hard.  THis was Patty's last dedication house.  Thank you all for your donations, it will mean more to the Hondurans than you will ever know.  The visitation/medical team stayed at the mission house for a while breaking down medication to prepare for the medical clinic that will be at Didasko and Diamante.  They also delivered food and other needed items to the Special Needs orphanage down the road from the mission house.  Afterward they went to the local store and bought as many gatorades as they could for a gatorade blitz.  I know "what is a gatorade blitz?"  Well let me tell you, it is the funnest, coolest thing ever.  The bus drives around town and will locate street workers.  We then get off the bus and give them a gatorade.  Many days, the street workers will go for very long periods of time without anything to drink.  They love when they see the TORCH bus.  I hope to have pictures of it soon.  After the gatorade blitz they went to the hospital to visit the children and pray with them.  When they were finished they made their way to the build site to get the construction team.  The third team went out to Didasko to paint the play ground and make some repairs.  They also worked on the beds for male dorm.  I can't wait to go out to Didasko Wednesday to see the work that was done.

After everyone was back, some played soccer while others fellowshipped.  They we had dinner.  Last night we had roast beef, rice, and mixed veggies.  After dinner we had a special competition for Tricky Pat.  You see, he always says coffee is better in a white cup.  For anyone that knows Tricky Pat, you know he loves his coffee.  So, we had a friendly little competition to see if he could tell which cup was the white one.  He was blind folded and drank coffee from four different cups.  And, well, he won.  He even identified a blue coffee mug without seeing it.  It was crazy, but fun.  At around 8pm we had devo.  Jeremy Crump is doing a fantastic job with the devos.  After devo we said our goodbyes to one of the team member Jose Cano, who will be heading back home this morning.  Then we all went to bed for some much needed sleep!!

Thank you all for your prayers.  We love you all and miss you, but we are over joyed to be in Honduras working for God at the same time!!  Please continue to pray for the work.

In Him
Brandy B

P.S. if you need anything email me at brandyb06@gmail.com

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