Our Mission Statement

Friday, June 26

June 25, 2015

Good morning to all of you back home.  This trip is FLYING by for us.  It is hard to believe some have been here fore five days now!!!  Yesterday began with breakfast (eggs, and beans).  After breakfast we met for devo.  Caleb Beggs led us in our thoughts.  After devo we were given some final instruction before gathering our things and beginning the day.   We had five teams yesterday one house construction, one team to complete the classroom, food distribution/VBS, feeding center team, and day care team.

There was a small group that went out to the site to complete the classroom.  They worked hard to complete the roof, put up the last wall, finish the floor, cut out the door and two windows, and put in the middle wall.  THey said the completion ran smoothly and were finished within a couple hours.

Four teams went out to Mololoa to build two houses, work in the feeding center and work in the day care.  Today the two building teams had a nice little walk up the mountain to the work site.  They had to move the wood and building supplies up to the site.  Once they reached the site and began building, the house went up fairly quickly.  The feeding center group helped feed 130 children.  They helped with food prep, delivery of the meals, and clean up.  They were able to love on the beautiful kids in Mololoa.  The day care team played with the babies and helped feed them when it was time.  They played little games and helped them with nap time.  By that I don't mean they took a nap, they just helped put the down for a nap.

Back at the mission house a team of about 12 broke down the food to make about 200 bags of food that will be distributed today.  WHile they were busy working Randi Grossman and I worked on putting VBS together.  Tomorrow VBS should be interesting....

WHen the teams were finished we met back at the mission house to clean up and have dinner. Tonight we had my most favorite meal, Pico, chips, beef tips and beans!!!  YUMMM!!!!  After dinner we loaded the buses to go to the Jesus Statue for devo.  Going to the Jesus Statue is just beautiful.  We were able to look out over the city and see all the lights.  We sang a few songs and Mark Connell led us in our thoughts.  He discussed how awesome God is and how when things go wrong it is never His fault but ours.  Even though we make mistakes He loves and wants what's best for us.  He also gave a brief history of the city.  After devo we hung around to take some pictures and look out over the city.  We loaded the buses and came back to the mission house for bed to prepare for tomorrow.

We have another big day tomorrow with one house build, painting, food distribution/VBS.  Please continue to pray for the work.  We have a group leaving Saturday and some coming in as well.  Pray for safe travels as well.  We love you all.

In Him
Brandy B

If you need to reach me email me at brandyb06@gmail.com

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