Our Mission Statement

Tuesday, June 23


June 22, 2015

I hope you all are doing well back home in the States.  The team here is doing very well!  We are all so happy to be serving in the name of Jesus.  Today we began with breakfast at 7 am.  We had eggs, beans, tortillas this morning.  After breakfast we met for morning devotional with Terry Reeves speaking.  When devo was finished we divided into three teams (a team of five helping in the feeding center, 3 helping in the day care and the remainder was a construction team).

We left the mission house at about 8:45 to make our way to Mololoa to do work.  The construction team made our way to the build site.  When we arrived, we had to take down the structure that was currently the home the lady was staying.  Afterward, we began construction.  The work ran very smoothly, and I am happy to say that Norma and her son have a clean, dry home to live in tonight.  They no longer have to sleep on a dirt floor with all the critters.

WHile the construction team worked the team of 5 helped the Honduran women in the feeding center ensure 100 - 150 kids received a warm meal.  They also helped prepare for tomorrows meal that will be served as well.  When they finished in the kitchen they made their way to the day care to help with the children there.  Once the construction team was finished we met up at the bottom of the mountain to load the bus and return to the mission house.

At the mission house, we cleaned up and spent some time bonding and becoming better acquainted with the group of 9 that arrived today from California, Mississippi, and Tennessee.  We were served dinner at about 6:30.  Tonight we had chicken, pasta and veggies.  It was VERY GOOD!!!!  We also were able to purchase ice cream for dessert!!  At 8:00pm we had an open discussion/devo about the experiences we had today.  We discussed the difference between what we expected and what actually occurred or was seen.  It was very encouraging to hear what everyone had experienced.  When devo was over, Tyler Steffy discussed the plan for tomorrow and dismissed us for some much needed rest!!

Tomorrow the plan is to have a construction team and a team visiting the hospital.  We will also have a large group of 30+ coming in to join us.  I'm looking forward to what God has in store for us tomorrow.  He has been so good to us and I know He will continue to shower us and the Honduran people with blessings.

Thank you all for you prayers!!

Brandy B

If you need to email me you can contact me at brandyb06@gmail.com

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