Our Mission Statement

Wednesday, June 24


June 23, 2015
Good morning to everyone tuning in!!  Yesterday was busy day for the group.  The group in Honduras began by eating breakfast between 7 and 8am.  We had French Toast, fruit and cereal.  After breakfast we met for devo led by Ken Haab.  When devo was finished we divided into two groups, a construction team and visitation/sorting team.

The construction team built a home for a family in the La Tigra Rainforest.  I spoke to Kathryn Steffy about the build.  She said that the build was in a shaded location and was a fairly easy build.  THis means that the team did not hit any rocks while digging the post holes and that structure went up fairly quickly.

The visitation team went to the Hospital to visit with the families there.  They went to many different section of the hospital to share the love of Jesus.  They played little games with the kids, sang songs and prayed with them.  They also met a lady working in the Cancer unit that spoke very good English and offered to assist the team the rest of the day and on any other visits.  It is truly amazing when God sends people to help us.  At times it can be frustrating, mainly because of the language barrier, but God always comes through.  God is good!!!

While the teams were working, Terry Reeves, Tyler Steffy and I went to the airport to pick up the team coming in. We had a team from PA, TN, and FL.  They all arrived safely which puts our team at about 65-70.

When everyone was accounted for we made our way back to the mission house to get rooming assignments for the new arrivals, cleaned up for the ones working construction, and to complete sorting for the ones on the visitation team.  The group then all met in the cafeteria around 6:30 for dinner.  We had spaghetti, salad, and garlic bread for dinner.  For those who have loved ones on the trip do not worry about us getting enough to eat.  I wouldn't be surprised if we come back a few pounds heavier.  The ladies that cook the food here do an excellent job and the food is AMAZINGLY AMAZING!!!

After dinner we met in the chapel for devo.  Terry Reeves led us in our thoughts tonight.  Tonight he discussed the theme His Life and what it meant to him.  He told a story about a congregation that had a missionary come in as a guest speaker.  When the youth group of the church heard they were having a guest speaker they were not looking forward to it because they thought it would be boring.  When the guest speaker got up to speak he told a story of a father and son that loved to go fishing.  One day the son invited his friend to go fishing with him and his father.  So they took the boat out and began fishing.  While they were fishing a huge storm came up and a massive way knocked the son and his friend overboard.  The dad only had on life preserver.  He grabbed and knew he was only going to be able to save one of the boys.  So he tossed it out into the water to his son's friend and as he was pulling him in, told his son "I will see you again".  Wow, right?  The kids in the youth group were shocked.  The guest speaker went on to say that the friend that was saved lived his life to try and be a son to the father that saved him.  After the sermon the youth group was talking and wanted to know if the story was true.  One of the members over heard them and told them it was true.  She told them that their preacher had lost a son in a fishing incident and that the missionary was the boy that he chose to save.  I'm sure you can guess what this represents.  God, our Father, sacrificed His Son so we could have eternal life.  Hopefully, we can be the sons/daughters that He wants us to be and live His Life!

When devo was over, we went over a few rules and discussed the plans for the following day.  We have a busy day ahead of us tomorrow!!  It's gonna be a good one!!!  We love you all and hope that you will continue to pray for the work here.

In Him,

Brandy B

If you need anything, or need to get a message to anyone please contact me at brandyb06@gmail.com

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