Our Mission Statement

Thursday, June 25

Teamwork makes the Dream work

June 24, 2015

Good morning everyone!  I am so sorry I did not post last night! The group had a really long day and did not get back until late.  Yesterday started like all other with breakfast.  We had eggs and beans.  After breakfast we had devo. Colby Conner led us in our thoughts.  He discussed the importance of using the talents God has given us to glorify him.

After devo we divided into three teams (classroom construction, house construction, and hospital visitation).  The classroom team went to Diamante to begin construction on the classroom.  Basically, it was a double house.  For anyone who remembers us discussing Diamante last year, you will remember that it is basically a ginormous ROCK!!!  It took the team most of the time to dig the post holes for the post.  Once the holes were dug and post were set, we began building the walls and working on the roof and floors.  The group worked really hard to finish the classroom in one day but we were unable to finish.  They will return this morning to complete the build.

The house construction team built in La Tigra.  The house was a dedication house that Patty Johnson raised funds for.  The build was not a difficult build.  The team worked together and completed the home for a family.  They were able to sleep in a home last night and stay dry.

The hospital team visited a few different wards they did not get to the other day.  They spoke with the families and prayed with them.

After the teams were finished, we went to the warehouse to unload two containers.  We worked for about 2 hours to finish unloading.  We left the warehouse about 8:30 last night, give or take, and made our way to mission house for dinner.  We had a late dinner and everyone was exhausted, so we went straight to bed after to get a good night sleep to prepare for this morning.

We have a number of things planned this morning.  I will do my best to post tonight.  Thank you all so much for praying for the work.  Continue to pray for the work and for team members.  I know that many of us are sore and tired from the hard work. Please pray we will have strength to finish the trip strong and to keep our focus on God’s work.

In Him
Brandy Barnett

If you need to reach me please email me at brandyb06@gmail.com

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