Our Mission Statement

Tuesday, May 16


Wake up!!! So today was our first work day, and WOW, what a day!! Today was amazing. It is so great to be back in Honduras. This morning we had breakfast between 7:00 and 7:45. It was a lovely ¨Welcome to Honduras¨ meal; we had eggs, beans and bread. YUMMY!!!!! We had devo at 8:00am; Jeremy Quilliam shared some thoughts with us before we split up into groups.

We split up into four different groups today. One group went to build a house, one went to paint the inside of one of the churches in the area, the Faulkner soccer boys went to dig a ditch in one of the small villages outside of the city, and the last group went to the hospital to visit with the kids and to paint a room in the hospital. We were all very busy today.

Let me began by telling you all that Honduras hasn’t had rain in like three months. Ok...now that you know that, guess what...today...it rained. Who would have guessed it? It began by being a nice sunny hot day, and then the heavens opened up. Wouldn’t you know it our first day of work and it rains. With that in mind, my group went to work on the house. There were eight of us six guys two girls. It was a blast. When we arrived the house already had a new roof so we knew we weren’t going to have to put a roof on, I mean how hard could it be, right? Well, easier said than done. The house had plastic rapped around it to keep rain and other things like that out so we had to take that off first. Once that was off we had to work post by post to get the walls up. It took all six guys to get the post out because, well, they were trees. I was very much impressed by their hard work, way to go guys!! So, once each post was in we put up the walls. Easy, right? WRONG!!!!!!! We didn’t have a chainsaw so we had to cut the door and the sides off with a hand saw; now that was supper!! The rain also made it very interesting, but, hey what’s a little water…ok a lot of water. All in all it was a great day filled with excitement.

The soccer boys had the privilege of digging a ditch to help with the flooding in a small village, this was a Bufftruck job and they were all amazing. They were able to experience poop mud first hand. When they got there a pipe had burst and poop mud was leaking into the street. Brett Mitchell said they worked extremely hard and accomplished the task at hand. Great job guys!!

The third group went to paint the inside of a church. This was a huge surprise for the members because they weren’t expecting anyone for a few more weeks, they were very grateful. From what I have heard this group did a great job also. The Fourth group went to the hospital to hand out toys to the children there. They also took fresh water and juices for the patients, which is a very much need necessity. After that was finished they painted the inside of one of the rooms. They didn’t quite finish so they will have to go back tomorrow to put another coat on. Today, as you can see was very eventful.

When we all arrived back at the hotel we had super. Tonight was steak, chicken, rice beans, bread, and fruit, it was pretty good. After dinner we had devo, Ben Wright shared a few thoughts with us. When devo was finished we said out good nights and went to bed. Tomorrow look like it will be just as AMAZING as today. I hope all of you will continue to pray for the work in Honduras as well as for all of us. We love you all and miss you very much. God Bless!!

Brandy B

In case there is an emergency you can call Jen Arnold. She lives in Honduras and will be able to get in touch with us if need be. The number appears to be a Nashville number, but it conects in Honduras.
615-866-4396 Jen Arnold Emergency


Anonymous said...

Glad everything started out with a bang! Sounds like many "Welcome to Honduras" moments were had by all. Say hi to my boys (Terry, Nate & Jordan) and watch over my girls (Niki, Jenna & you!) Say hi to Brett & Judy and Ben & Jill and give Cary Hadley a big hug from me. Let him know I will be wearing my ear plugs and eye mask and think of him. Work hard!
Con el amor de Dios!

Anonymous said...

So glad to hear that everyone made it safe and sound to Honduras since you didn't call us!! Zachary is loving carrying around "his" cell phone while you are gone. His graduation luncheon is tomorrow. Wish you were here for that. Please be careful and have a good time. We pray that the love of Jesus will shine through you to everyone you meet in Honduras. Love, Mom & Dad and of course Zachary! Tell Jennifer we say hello!

Anonymous said...

Sarah & Laurie,

Happy to hear that you arrived safely. Amanda took care of the money transaction for Angie. Brent and Bobby met me and Amanda at the mall last night, went to get ice cream with Amanda, and then came by the house for a while. Hope you're well and doing great things.

I love you!

P.S. Laurie, Amanda spotted the same red top that you were going to get her at Hecht's and loved it and I bought it for her. Maybe you can get her a cool birthday gift from Honduras(???).

Anonymous said...

Hi girls ! Hope the rain cooled off swollen feet ! Gener,your mom hasn't called yet. Chelle, your mom wants to know how your injury is. Chelle, is Laurie there? I forgot to take her to the airport. Nana is in McMinnville, and life is quiet here. Getting ready for pirate crafts.
Much love, and please translate the card for me.