Our Mission Statement

Thursday, June 30

And it begins....for real

Good day to all of you!!!  For those who do not know, this is the blog for Terry Reeves TORCH group 2016.  My name is Brandy Barnett, and I will be keeping you as updated as possible of the work being done in Jesus name.

June 30, 2016 started at 7 am with breakfast.  Our group of 16 (more will be joining over the next few days) enjoyed a croissant with eggs, cheese, and turkey/ham.  At 8am the group gathered supplies for our first build in Limones in the rainforest.  This house was a house Fairfield Church of Christ in Centerville, TN sponsored.

The group had a slower start than we would have liked, but the post holes took a while to dig due to the thick mud (I'm glad it wasn't rock though!!).  Once our holes were set and post were in, the build was pretty smooth.  The team was a very good team.  Everyone was eager to work and/or learn something new about building houses in Honduras.  The weather was AMAZING, with overcast skies and light drizzle to keep us cool.  We finished around 2:30pm and went to another house build site to pick up another team with TORCH.

While we were waiting for the team to finish, Mark Connell showed us a coffee farm.  A gentleman by the name of Jesus began planting coffee about 3 years ago.  Jesus was nice enough to show us his farm which also has veggies too.  It was pretty amazing to see how they plant their plants along the side of the mountains, but they do!!  Mark also shared with us how this gentleman also employees people to help during harvest season, which is great for the Hondurans with a 60% unemployment rate.  This past March a group from Freed-Haldeman came and visited Jesus and learned he was having to travel a very long way to roast his coffee beans.  Jesus was hoping he would eventually be able to buy his own roaster.  Jesus was provided a loan to purchase a roaster and will begin roasting his own coffee beans next harvest (if my understanding is correct).  It is so amazing to see the growth of a country.  I'm not sure I can put into words how neat and encouraging it was to see the work Jesus has done and will be able to continue to do through the help of God.

After the other group completed their house we loaded the bus and made our way back to the mission house.  When we arrived we were greeted by 3.5 other group members.  Tyler, Katherine, and Truett Steffy, and Brenda Waller made it safely to the mission house.  The remainder of todays wave arrived from Costa Rica at about 5:30.  We all reunited with old friends and met new ones over the next hour.  Then it was time for dinner!  Dinner tonight was so good!! We had beef tips, rice, salad and a roll.  I can never explain just how good the food is here, I mean I look forward to it every year!!  You guys do not have to worry about us going hungry at all.

When dinner was over we had devo.  Terry Reeves led us in our thoughts centered around our theme which is translated more love please.  He talk about how before John was the apostle of love that he was known as the son of thunder.  He discussed with us how John learned to love and would eventually be know as the apostle of love.  When devo was over, we had an orientation to welcome those who are here to Honduras and go over some ground rules.  Then it was off to bed for some much needed rest.

Tomorrow we will have a house build and others will be coming in to add to our group!!  I'm so excited to be here and to finally be working and serving with my brothers and sisters.  I hope you all enjoy what you read and please send prayers for safe travels and successful work.

Thank you all for your prayers!!

Love you all
Brandy B

If you have any questions email me brandyb06@gmail.com

Below are photos from today!! Enjoy

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