Our Mission Statement

Monday, June 30

Things are about to get interesting

Sunday was a great day.  After breakfast at the hotel the team climbed aboard the bus to make their final trip to Agua Agria for this trip.  Of course no trip is complete without a flat tire so we went ahead and got that over with before we left Choluteca.  The worship service at Agua was amazing.  Jeremy Myers preached his final lesson, and to Myers/Hines tradition, cried while presenting his lesson.  Jason Johnson delivered the lesson in Spanish, and was amazing.  I guess those 2 years of high school Spanish really paid off! After services the ladies and children presented the group with refreshments to say thank you for what we have done for the village and congregation there.

After a lunch stop the group stopped at a small, local zoo that is about 1/2 way in between Choluteca and Tegucigalpa.  It provided a nice break in the trip and the group got to see a variety of animals, reptiles, and snakes.  A stop at the fast food area on BLVD Morizan for dinner finished the trip and the team arrived at Villa Gracia about 7:00. We had orientation and devo in the cafeteria before issuing rooming assignments.  Wyeth's lesson was called "Giving your Poo."  He gave a wonderful story about one of his children giving Up his favorite Winnie the Poo stuffed animal to be given away on the Honduras trip a few years ago.  After everyone found their rooms we settled in for the night.

This morning we met in the cafeteria for breakfast and then went to the chapel for morning devotional.  Jason Johnson was the speaker.  His lesson centered around the little boy who had the 5 loafs and 2 fish that Jesus used to feed the multitude.  His main point was to say that we should be willing to give what we have, not expect recognition, and let Jesus and God get the glory.

We divided into 3 teams today.  A team of hearty volunteers went to Santa Ana to work concrete and block at Casa de Esperanza.  Several teams have been out there to assist in building the new security wall around the property.  Team number 2 went to Hospital Esquela to visit and minister and then went to the colony of Diamonte to work on the new church propery.  Teams have been going out clearing the 10 acres of land and gather stones that will be used to build a perimeter wall around the land.  Team number 3 went to the warehouse to organize supplies and put together over 100 gift bags that will be given out at the hospital later in the week.

Tomorrow our second team, 60 strong, arrives.  Team number 1 will be out building z2 houses and a small team of us will go the airport to facilitate their arrival.  This will bring our team number to 102 and will remain that way until July 4th when team number 1 goes back to the States.  Things could not be more exciting and we are continued to be amazed and the things we see and do here.

Blogging responsibilities will be given over to Brandy Barnett and assistants soon so hopefully the blog will be updated more frequently and will have more information on it! Continue to pray for us as we pray for you, blessings from Honduras!!!


Saturday, June 28

Its a wonderful day in the neighborhood

Friday morning I left the hotel at 4:00 in the morning to carry Bobby and Asha to Tegucigalpa to catch their flight back to Tampa.  I left the team in the highly responsible hands of Steve Johnson along with a multitude of others to carry out Friday's projects.  It is amazing how fast you can get from Choluteca to Tegucigalpa at that time in the morning! (It is also mazing how many potholes you can hit too)  We were so early I took time to give a deluxe tour along the way.  We stopped in Santa Ana to take a quick look at Casa de Esperanza and drove to Baxter Institute to see the campus.  While at Baxter I ran into Keith Boyer and his group from Tampa.  They were heading out the door to go build a church building close to the public dump where many teams go to minister those who live in the poorest conditions in Honduras.  We even stopped for breakfast at Burger King and still got to the airport at 8:30!  I stayed in Tegucigalpa for the day because Tyler and Katherine Steffy were supposed to arrive on Saturday {however, they were delayed and missed their connection and will now arrive Sunday}.

The team went to Agua Agria once again Friday.  This time the projects included finishing the outdoor classroom at the church building and a major clothing/shoe distribution to the community along with food bags for the families.  According to my reports over 600 people received clothes and shoes and about 150 families received food bags.  That accounts for almost everyone who lives in Agua!  Once again the people of Agua Agria have been blessed with medical clinics, medicines, food, clothes, and shoes.  And much more importantly, God's love has been shown to the entire community.  And the money given to the school to build a new classroom will be finished soon and the school will be able to offer additional classes for the children who live there.

Today, {Saturday}, the team took a trip up into the mountains to go visit Mission Lazarus and see the work that is going on in San Marco.  At 6:20 pm, the time of this posting, they are not back to the hotel so I cannot update you on their adventures today.  Hopefully I will be able to update the blog again Sunday night to fill you all in on the continuing adventures of the Torch Missions team in Honduras.

Keep us in your prayers because we will be traveling Sunday.  After Sunday morning worship with the brothers and sisters at Agua Agria, the team will travel back to Tegucigalpa and will check in to Villa Graca, AKA the Mission House.  I believe a stop at the zoo near Santa Ana is also in the plans.  We will be leaving the steamy sauna of Choluteca for the cooler temperatures of the mountains and the daily rains they are receiving.  Pretty sure most are looking forward to the change of climate!  Many projects await us there.  Until later, take care and God bless, our love goes out to everyone!


Friday, June 27

Greetings from Choluteca!

The past 4 days has been a blur. To say we hit the ground running is an understatement.  Everyone arrived safe and sound in Tegucigalpa Tuesday. Flights were on time and luggage was loaded to the box truck fast and effeciantly, smooth as silk. Carlos had our bank ready for us and money was exchanged on the bus while everyone enjoyed sack lunches prepared by the advance team. We left the airport around 1:30 and things we're going so well it was a given something would happen. Just outside Tegucigalpa the fan belt broke on our bus. An hour later we were on another bus and on our way. We made the drive in just over 3 hours!!!  After dinner we spent 2 1/2 hours separating and breaking down meds for the clinic, making it a late night for a weary team.

Wednesday morning we had an early breakfast at the hotel, loaded the meds and supplies onto the truck and headed out to Agua Agria. The rookies really enjoyed the ride out as we bounced along the dirt road, showing a lot of wear and tear as rainy season continues. The clinic was held at the church building this year and the staging areas were ready for us when we arrived. The clinic ran like clockwork and we saw 150 patients. While the clinic was going others worked around the building cleaning and picking up trash in the community. Others went to play soccer with the boys. Diane Adams' ladies Bible class had 28 in attendance and the VBS team had dozens of kids. The afternoon was capped off with the first of 5 lessons presented by Jeremy Myers. On the way home we stopped at Pizza Hut for dinner and then had our evening devo led by Wyeth Wright. His theme focuses in on "where did you see God's fingureprints today?

Thursday was round 2 of the medical clinic. Once again the stations worked great and we saw 190 patients, making the 2 day total 340.  I caanot say enough good things about those who worked in the clinic this year, they did an amazing job! Also on Thursday the construction teams got busy. One team worked on the new classroom being added at the church building. This classroom wi be an open air classroom that can be used for many different things.  The other construction team worked on repairing the playground at the school. The ladies Bicle class was maxed out as Diane and the assistants washed the feet of the women. The VBS team had another big crowd and the church building was full for Jeremy's second lesson. Another great devo wrapped up the evening.

Today the team returned to the church building to conduct a clothing/shoe distribution and food give away. Construction team will finish the classroom and will put in the concrete foot and will also install ceiling fans in the church building!!!  Yes, Agua Agria has electricity!!!! It is so exciting to know how much the village will be blessed now with power. We enjoyed having electric lights and box fans while working the clinic. The addition of electricity will allow for a PA system, evening services, and numerous other benefits.

I hope to post again soon, keep us in your prayers as we continue to work in Honduras.  Dios te bendiga!!!!


Monday, June 23

And so it begins

To make things interesting, and because plans look so good on paper, I decided to go to my family reunion before beginning my mission trip this summer. How hard could it possibly be? Well, since Thursday, I have flown from Tampa to Houston, on to Sacramento, then to San Francisco, back to Houston on a midnight flight, and now am awaiting my flight to Tegucigalpa.  Very little sleep and 5,000 miles, and I am not even in Honduras yet!  And,so it begins.

7 people make up the AT (Advance Team), heading into Tegucigalpa a couple days ahead of time to prep the supplies and get things ready for team number one's arrival on Tuesday.  Our objective is fairly clear.  We will re-organize our supplies in the warehouse from last year and pull supplies that will be taken to Choluteca on Tuesday.  We will also buy last minute medicines that we will need for the clinic at Agua Agria,  along with food to make lunches for the team when they arrive.  Oh, and also watch the USA vs Portugal soccer match!

So, hopefully today, I will meet up with Mark Connell, rent a truck (or van), go to the Mission House, go to the warehouse, attend worship services, and eventually go to bed and get smoke sleep, something I long for right now.  How many times do you look forward to getting to Honduras so that you can get some rest?????  And so it begins.

Monday I will. Meet up with Dr. Jorge Ponce to go to some laboratories to buy our medicines and meet up with Gina Laurios to receive the medicines and supplies that Dr. Gayle Davidson ordered for us.  Then it is off to photocopy the Spanish coloring book and to go to Baxter Institute to see Timeteo Estrada to go over plans for Agua Agria.  I even hope to make a run out to Tamera to Didasko to see Jorge and Rosa Casillo.  And so it begins.

Team one is fired up and ready to go.  Team two is on deck, waiting in the wings, finishing up their collections and last minute fund raising,  all systems go, we are ready to rock and roll.  Torch Missions 2014 is in full swing, several teams have already hit the ground ahead of us.  Let's do this, we have been planning all year for this moment.  To God be the glory, may we be a true blessing to those we come in contact with and may we grow in our relationship with God in the process.  And so it begins!!!


Wednesday, June 11

Less than 2 weeks before we are in Honduras!

The whirlwind of the past few weeks has come to an end and for students and teachers across the land, school is out!  Summer vacation has begun and so has all of the events that take place during the summer months.  Families are taking vacations, Bible camps are in full swing, and short term mission teams have hit the ground.  It is exciting to say the least, and for those of use actively involved in this summer's mission trips it can't come quickly enough!  We have been plotting and planning, emailing and texting, scanning, photocopying, faxing and mailing information, forms, payments, deposits, and more all over the place.  And now, after all of the planning and praying, we are less than 2 weeks away from getting our feet on the ground.  Ready or not (hopefully ready!) here we go!

Our first Honduras team arrives in Tegucigalpa on Sunday, June 22.  7 make up the Advance Team.  Our objective is to storm the warehouse, reorganize our supplies left from last year, organize, count, and prep them to be ready to go when Hondo Team #1 arrives on Tuesday, June 24th.  Once everyone is off the planes, passed through Customs, and claimed luggage (the most anticipated part of the trip) we will eat lunch, load the buses and head directly to the Pacific Coast and the city of Choluteca.  This has been our routine for the past 3-4 years and it has proven to be an excellent way to begin our trip.  Hotel Gualiqueme will be our home away from home for 5 nights as we work in Agua Agria.

Plans for Agua Agria will include a 5 day gospel meeting, 5 day VBS, 4 day ladies class, 3 day distribution at the local school (shoes, clothes, food, etc), 3 day medical clinic, and construction.  Jeremy Myers, from Cave City, Arkansas, will be our speaker for the meeting.  His team also prepared the VBS materials we will be using, not only during team #1, but for Team #2 and the Costa Rica teams as well.  The last section of the playground will be completed at the school along with work on a new classroom for the school.  Our team will also be building another classroom at the church property.  The team will return to Tegucigalpa on Sunday evening, June 29th, and will spend the last part of their trip at Villa Gracia, AKA the Mission House.  Wyeth Wright, from Monroe, Louisiana, will be our keynote speaker for the evening devotionals.  The work in Tegucigalpa will include building several houses, visiting the hospital, the Blind School, and Didasko Orphanage.

Hondo Team #2 arrives on Tuesday, July 1st.  For 3 days Team #1 and Team #2 will overlap (on purpose of course!).  I planned this overlap so that the members of the 2 teams would be able to see and work with each other for a couple of days.  It is always hard when a mega team finally has to split, and this (hopefully) will be a good way to bring everyone together for a couple of days.  During this time we will have a combined force of 100 workers and I feel quite sure the singing during our nightly devotionals will be outstanding!

Team #2 will be staying at Villa Gracia for the duration of their trip.  Team #2 will be building several houses, participating in 2 major food distributions, work at the feeding center in Mololoa, visit Hospital Esquela, and will also visit the Blind School, the Special Needs Orphanage, and Didasko.  Other work will include a small medical clinic at Didsako for the the children there, the school children, and the staff.  Repairs to the playground will take place and the last slide will be installed.  Eric Gray, from Mobile, Alabama, will be the keynote speaker for the evening devotionals for Team #2. 

The 2 Hondo teams have plans to build 12-14 houses, conduct 3 food distributions, provide food to stock up the shelves at Didasko, complete the 2 playgrounds we have been working on for the past few years, give away a ton of clothes and shoes, conduct 4 days of medical clinics, and make numerous visits to different orphanages and children's homes.  Along with service projects, VBS, gospel meetings, Bible classes, and door knocking, we plan on doing a lot of work for the Kingdom during the next several weeks. 

We ask for your continued prayers while we are gone, ask for the Lord to bless our work and to keep us safe.  As always, we will have bloggers writing daily updates for you on this site.  So stay tunes, check in often, and stay in touch!  We also plan to broadcast our devos when we are at the Mission House. 

Out theme this year is "OBEDIENT."   We plan to do just that, and our lessons and everything we do will center and focus on this simple, but very powerful word.  More to come, especially updates on the work we will be doing in Costa Rica July 11-20.  Did I mention how much I love summer? 

Terry Reeves